Wednesday, April 18, 2007


In the most global terms, slang is defined as usually spoken language, although it also can be seen in literature ( e.g. Ivan Slamnig's: Better half of courage; J.D. Salinger's: The Catcher in the Rye).
Abstractly said, it is an informal language, which certain groups use to differentiate themselves from others, and members of those groupsuse slang to identify themselves with their social group, which helped them to define themselves.
In my point of view, slang at first could be found in the poor, gheto areas of the cities. Nowadays, it has the status of 'worldwide art', and you will hear and see slang everywhere, even in the places you wouldn't expect to- in TV, radio, on clothes (even I have a T-shirt with slang: I don't care two hoots...), and some people even have their own websites devoted only to the world of slang...
This sites also have a colloquial dictionaries, with the most popular slang words and expressions, with over 10.000 examples.
In my hometown, slang is in everyday use; we almost think on it as a part of our ordinary life.
With slang I think on myself as a part of my group, and with it we are now appreciating for our own style.
Our slang could be defined as a 'street-slang', and is related to local Hip-Hop vocabulary, and some people who often don't hear it, and don't know us may think that we are examples of anti-social behaviour, or even vandals, seeking for their identity...
To be honest, the truth is far away from that. Those people, who are familiar with Hip-Hop culture, or at least the latest music charts, know what we are doing with our slang... Yes, we are trying to express our identity, but not to do anything menacing and unsightly.
We are only showing our class-consciousness.
But in Mostar, slang is ghetto sign, and local thought is that is used only by young and poor people, from the run-down districts of the town.
However, I think that those people should inform themselves better about slang and it's use...
In the meantime, my group and I will continue using slang, above all in our gossip-moments, when we are suspicious of strangers who are sitting next to us, and might hear what we're saying.
(One example of our slang- we often use English slang 'dinner-whore' for certain girls that live here... I hope you know the meaning...).
And to conclude, slang is our way of life... With it we can show our imagination and creativity, without doing any damage....

Monday, April 16, 2007


First picture:
- man's attitude towards girls; he holds them with his arms, like they belong to him
- the carelessness in his walk
- kissing one girl, the other doesn't mind
- sunglasses hiding his eyes
- his tie, usually ties are very uncomfortable for men, but he is ok with it

My explanation:
Feel free to have what you want; have the guts to take what you want; wear Guess and live your life as you deserve....

Second picture: A commercial for Enyce clothes:
- man's mysterious look
- unbuttoned shirt, unconservative attitude
- his hat
- sun and dryness that surrounds him, but he looks so fresh
- his closed lips- more mystery

My explanation:
Do you want to be a secret, do you want to be a mystery?
You are a secret, you are a mystery, you are a human being... that wears Enyce...


Oh, what a funny topic. Funny, but not in negative way, than positive.
Because, for the first time, i don't know what to write about... A girl, full of inspiration in every single moment, now is left completely.. mute.
I'm sorry, but I didn't have any experimental phase in my life.
Drugs? - Thanks, but no thanks. I've seen a bunch of people who got addicted, I've seen their parents's disappointed faces when they found out that they have a son (or a daughter) whose nick-name is "junkie", I was a witness of brightness of their life before taking drugs, and of darkness during addiction... So, I'm totaly against it.
Fortunately, it's good sometimes when we learn on other people's mistakes, not on our owns.

Alcohol? - Depends on situation... However, I'm not keen on being drunk... I'm not an exception, I also got drunk... And after that I decided never again to drink alcohol in huge amounts.
A glass of wine (red one of course) - yes.
A bottle of beer - yes.
Litres of wine, beer, or whatever - no.
But, it's not my life-phase. I thought like that 5 years ago, I think it also now.
Sorry, but no phase found.

Cigarettes? - I can't say anything against it, because I smoke... And I really don't know what to say about it. Yes, smoking is bad (not because our parents told us so, but there are various prooved reasons), I know that, I even tried to stop smoking... But actually, it didn't work.
I think the main reason for that was because I wasn't enough determined.
I started smoking at the age of 18, when my High-school ended. During High-school, I was the only anti-smoker, and paradoxally, I started to smoke a month after ending it.
One day, when I quit smoking ( I hope I will... In fact I'm sure I will :-)), I'll write about it like an experimental phase of my life.
Now, that is not it, because I'm still smoking.

And, what to write now? Among all my essays, this is going to be the shortest. Because, I can not think on any thing that I used to do, but now I'm not doing it.
It seems that I start with, I never end with it.

Sad, but true... :-)